The (Unofficial) Official Story of Wonder Woman

The Unofficial/Official Story of Wonder Woman
(Greek mythos)

In the beginning of the universe, and the cosmos there was a cluster of far off worlds out in the distant, and vast reaches of space. These worlds had a long time standing of peace, and harmony with each other, until the worlds started feuding over politics, and religion. As the worlds tried to reach some kind of a compromise, the world of, Amazonia knew that war was, inevitable.

While the rest of the cosmos, and universe grew, and developed, Amazonia, and her neighbors began a planetary war. Soon, the other planets around, Amazonia started to fall, and succumb to their own greed, and desire for power, and control of the four planets. As, Amazonia started to ready it's people for another campaign of battle, a woman walked out from the men, and women of, Amazonia. This woman named, Heidi Hippolyta walked out amongst her people, and starts to rally them.

Hippolyta starts to deliver speeches, and lectures until, her people became fueled with a firefly spirit, and soul that moved over the world of, Amazonia. Soon, the planet of, Amazonia started to help it's fellow allies, and conquer the warring planets that neighbored the world of, Hippolyta. Soon, Heidi realized that the men of, Amazonia started to dwindle, because of the battles, and skirmishes between the rival worlds. As the Amazonians started to withdraw from the war between each of their neighboring planets, Hippolyta received, and had a vision from an unknown male figure.

"Heidi of the Hippolyte house... I am your god, You will be faced with a decision the likes of which you have never had to make before... If you can accept what it to come; not only to you, but to your people, then you will have the chance to save your planet, and change the fates of the planets you are at war with. Tell no one, and I shall return when you least see fit."

Heidi awoke from her sleep, and started to look around. there were more women then men, and not enough children, and kids. Heidi clenches her fist, and grinds her teeth as she starts walking to her superior officer. "I am taking command, here!" Here superior looks shocked as, Heidi walks over to a world speaker, and addresses the planet. "Citizens of, Amazonia... I have received a vision from our god.We will win the war of  the planets, and worlds only on one condition... Women... I order you to kill all of the men. There shall be no standing man. Not a baby, not a child, not a fetus, not an elder."

Amazonia cried, and weened as a wave of blood covered the planet. The warring world next to, Amazonia could not believe what happened, and where thrown off guard. With their guard down, Heidi, and The Amazonian Armys traveled, and traversed to the other worlds, and conquered them. Liberating the women, and continuing their pilgrimage of male blood shed. Soon, the wars had stopped, and only the women were left standing. Heidi, now sitting in the throne room of, Amazonia watched as the women started to rebuild their planets. Then, all of a sudden a flash of light appears before her, and the male figure from her dream appears in front of, Hippolyte. Heidi immediately lept from her throne, and jumped to the floor as she bowed before him,

"My lord, my king, our god. I have kept thy words, and live with the grief of it."

"Be not worried in your decision, and feel relieved in the plight of your people as I have kept my word."

The male figure rises, and waves his hand as a couple of guards bring forth a man.

"Queen Hippolyte, we have found a male amazonian." "Shall we keep to the words of your law?"

Heidi rose her head, and gazed upon the male figure. The two guards, and the man looked at Heidi on the floor, and as she rose her head, all of a sudden a bright light filled the room, and blinded the two guards, and the man. The lighted faded, and there before the women, and male prisoner stood an elderly looking man, in white robes, surrounded by an aura, and energy of yellow, golden light. The two guards hit the floor, and bowed.

"The queen has spoken, truth." "The queen is truly righteous."

The man in white lifted Heidi to her feet, and stood next to her.

"You have kept my words, and now I shall keep mine. This man is to be your king. He must remain in seclusion, and must not be known to your worlds. These two women are to the only ones to know besides us. Then, when the moon is full, and the sky is full of stars, and planets you shall receive a great gift. For I am your god, Zeus. King of Olympus."

Heidi walked over to the two guards, and helped them to their feet. Heidi then removed the shackles that binded the man, and kissed him; as the light once again filled the room, and Zeus was gone. Soon, Heidi wed her new husband from, Zeus, and glowed as she was with child, and carried a kid. Female Amazonians around the planet of, Amazonia started to find enchanted weapons, and armor that start to appear after, Zeus had revealed himself to, Hippolyte, and her guards. Soon, it was time for birth, and passing as a cry was heard between the new planets, baruk, rou, and loma. The silent king, and new mother adored their new child, as Heidi rose up, and walked to the opening of her palace throne room balcony, and raised up her kid to her worlds.

"Our god has blessed us, and given us life. Behold, Princess Diana of Themiscyra." The women of the town of, Themiscyra clapped, and cheered. Soon, Diana was training, and mastering her skills, and talents that had been gifted to her from the god, Zeus. Upon her eighteenth birthday, Queen Heidi bestowed to her the weapons, and armor that had been forged, and created for her daughter. As, Diana places on her garments, and apparel, she began to radiate, and shine with a similar light that could rival, Zeus. As she drew near to finishing, she stood before her mother, Queen Heidi, she knelt, and awaited her christening.

"My daughter, and my people... for years I have kept my silence, and for years it has torn me apart. But, no more... Behold the king of, Amazonia."

The king walked out, and sat next to, Heidi.

"Kill her!" "She is a traitor!"

As the amazonians looked on, and became full of freight, a light appeared. Zeus stood before Heidi, Anton, and Diana as he turned around, and faced the amazonians, and their sister planets, and worlds.

"You shall do no such thing. I am your god, Zeus. And, your queen has kept my words."

Zeus walks up to the thrones, and grabs the last piece of armor. Zeus turns around, and approaches, Diana.

"When I first appeared to your mother, she was a freight, and confused. When I appeared for a second time, she was made firm, and strong. Now, those in which she has saved, wish to condemn their queen."

Zeus tossed a pillow, and raised up a petite crown.

"Hear me worlds of, Amazonia... I Zeus your god shall deliver you. Your cries have not gone unheard, and your queen has spoken righteousness to all of whom have heeded her words. Now, arise Princess Diana, and help those who need help. Not as a princess, but as, 'Wonder Woman'."

Zeus lowered the crown, and placed it on, Diana's head. A giant wave of energy, and an impulse of power filled, and fled the room, and covered all four planets. Wonder Woman glowed like, Zeus, and rose with his hands. Zeus then started walking towards the main hallways of the ball room, as the male amazonians that had gave their lives, and died start to reappear, and materialize into living flesh, as if they never left. The women everywhere cried as, Zeus's words became true, and Queen Heidi became glorified.

Wonder Woman turns around, and follows, Zeus as he exits the palace, and walks down the castle, and citadel steps.

"Your presence is needed else where, and your real quest will begin."

Diana walks with, Zeus as the people cannot believe what has transgressed.

"There are other worlds out there, that will face the same fate, and plight as yours, if you do not intervene, and stop those who wish to do ill harm towards others."

Zeus stops in front of two pillars, that form a doorway. Diana, stops, and stands next to him. Zeus waves his hand. A spinning, whirl of energy, and power start to appear, as it stops, and maintains itself inside the doorway. The Queen, and King approach, on horse back, as Zeus addresses, Diana.

"Through this star gate, your journey shall begin. When you return here, you will be stronger, and take your place as, queen. But, heed my warning... Do not succumb to the comfortable life of a king, and queen."

Diana looks back at her parents, and looks for affirmation.

"May the gods bless you on your trek, my child."

Queen Heidi raises her hand, and bows to, Zeus.

"We are all meant for greatness. Tell them who you are, my child."

King Anton raises his hand, and bows to, Zeus.

Diana looks back at, Zeus.

"Use what I have given you, wisely. Teach other people about where you are from. Now, go."

Diana nods to Zeus, and kneels before him, as she rises back up. She sheaths her sword, and mounts her shield on her back, and readies herself, as she starts to run, and draw her weapons to face what is on the other side of the star gate. As Diana enters the star gate, a giant flash of light, and power repulse throughout the area. Zeus, is gone, and disappeared. The star gate has returned to it's original state, and the queen, and king start to return to the palace.

Diana with her shield up, and her sword drawn flies through the twirling, and spinning blue, and white stream of time, and space. On earth a couple of pillars stand in Greece, in front of a mausoleum of, Hera. A couple of tourist groups can be seen, and heard around the old Greek structures, and buildings.

"You can't catch me!"

A boy, and a girl start a game of tag, and start to run, and hide near the Mausoleum.

"Hey, you two! Do not go venturing, and exploring out of sight!"

The dad yells as he holds his wife, and poses for a picture with their tour group.The two children continue to kid around, and play when, all of a sudden a gust of wind, and light start to appear, and fill the doorway of, Hera's mausoleum. The two children look at it, and start to get filled with curiosity, and perplexity. The parents finish their picture, and start to look for their children.

"What is it?"  "I don't know."

The parents start to yell for their kids.

"Diego!" "Susan!"

The parents start to worry, as the climb over rubble, and debris of fallen, and old buildings, and structures. The parents spot, and see their children, and rush over them, as fast as they can run.

"What are you two doing here?" "What did you two do?"

The parents stare at the doorway, and grab, and hug their children, as the doorway transforms, and bursts with energy, and power. Then all of a sudden there is a flash of light, and a giant gust of wind. The parents, and kids close their eyes, and open them as the dirt, and smoke clears up. The children's eyes widen, and the parents look confused.

Diana landing, and standing in a forward offensive position, stands upright, and puts away her weapons. The children break free from their parents grip, and run towards the mysterious woman. The kids stop about arm distance in front of her. The dad squints his eyes, and reaches into his wife's backpack, and pulls out a small book. The dad takes a look, and reads the comic book title, "Wonder Woman". Diana grabs her golden lasso, and readies it, as she swings it, and binds the comic book, in their father's hands, and pulls it back towards her. The children turn back, and forth looking at the unknown female woman, as she clinches the comic book in her hands, and lowers it to her side.

"Who are you?", asks Susan.

Diana lowers her head, and looks at the children.

As she readies her golden lasso, again.

"I am, Wonder Woman."

And, leaps into the air, as she flies outward into the sky, and towards the nearest big city.


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